Weight Chart

Friday, September 4, 2009

The day after surgery

MrsB I just want to say thanks for your comments on my last post. I have been that butterfly waiting to emerge for so long. Thanks for your support xx
Yesterday I had to arrive at the Wesley by 7am, we were there by quarter too. I was a bit nervy but ok. Sat with mum, Sharni and Dave and then got told I had to go up to pre op. She told me Dave could come with me so that was good!
Got up there and had to wait till almost 9. Saw the pharmacist and then got called in to the pre op nurse. Dave just came with me and he didn't get told to go woohoo. So I then had bloods taken and an ECG done. Then I had to say bye to Dave:(
Got taken in the back room and had to get my sexy gear on lmao, the gown, the stockings oh didn't I look pretty LOL. I then sat in a recliner for a bit and then got put into a bed. Then I got sent down to surgery, got a matching hat for my head;) saw the anaesthetist and the anaesthetists nurse and then got rolled in to theatre at about 9.40.
Got the needle on the back of the hand, he was very good!!! and coming from an ex phlebotomist that says something ok!!! he then said I'l give you a sedative to help you relax, felt it work closed my eyes and next thing I was waking in recovery. I did remember after... that in theatre they put the oxygen mask over me and she said it will smell funny which they always do yucky black rubber things blurgh!
Anyway seemed to be in recovery for ages but wasn't really, it was then I heard I'd had a hernia repair.
Got put in my room at about 10.20 where mum and Sharni then found me after some chasing around.
Dosed on and off, got up a couple of times, then Dave came and saw me and then left to take mum and Sharni home. I then had a pain suppository at about 8.30pm and then dozed on and off most of the night.
Nursing staff were lovely and caring!
I decided last night that I would stay as I still felt yuk from the morphine and anaestetic, nurses were glad I finally made my mind up lol.
Home this morning YAY home is always so nice even after a really short hospy stay.
Have felt really well, just alot of gas in the tummy so lots of burping happening here. Trying to drink and not getting much in. Need to get some degas, not had much success getting any. I'm trying Frilly!!
OK Dave is home woohoo so I'm off to spend some time with him.
Take care xx

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