Weight Chart

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Day 4 and feeling fine ;)

Wow woke up today with so much energy and sparkle!
I put this down to two things, the fact I'm on opti and that we have moved from a house full of mould!
I also have noticed today that my breathing seems much better, I can take a deep breath without a struggle. I have also noticed my cankles didn't hurt when I got out of bed, that could be all the additional fluids I'm drinking!
Have had 2 opti so far today and have been cooking a beef roast in the slow cooker. I may even have a little of it with my salad for dinner, it is a protein and whist not really allowed it is a better option than most things.
My darling son Natty bought me an ice coffee home today and I was really good and gave it back and said he could have it! Told him he can buy me one after surgery as a treat ;)
It's been a beautiful day here in Qld! Same ole same ole though with housework. Had Robbi W blaring most of the day, oh YEAH! lol
Need to get on to recovering my dining chairs. Bought the replacement vinyl before we moved, will have to get Dave to find the staple gun! Also got a bargain on eBay and found 4 old bar stools that need a sand down and recovering, won them for $5.50. Nat is going to sand and paint them for me and I will recover them. They'll look great in my new house ;)
OK gonna get myself moving from here...Take care!

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